January 5, 2012

German melodic death metallers ZERO DEGREE have inked a deal with Massacre Records. The band's debut album, which originally came out in September 2010, will receve a wider release on March 23.

Formed in 2006 by Pascal Thiele (guitar),Thomas Bertuch (vocals) and Tobias Dohle (drums),ZERO DEGREE's goal was to make music in the style of IN FLAMES, DARK TRANQUILLITY and IRON MAIDEN.

To recreate their music and harmonized guitar sounds live, they needed three guitarists. Over the course of a year, Andre Möhwald (bass),Sebastian Weißgerber (guitar) and Maik Badowsky (guitar) joined the band.

The now-complete lineup played its first shows in 2007.

In 2007, ZERO DEGREE recorded its first demo, "The Storm And The Silence", which was mainly used for promotional purposes on MySpace and for concert promoters.


Andre Möhwald: Bass
Sebastian Weißgerber: Guitar
Pascal Thiele: Guitar
Maik Badowsky: Guitar
Thomas Bertuch: Vocals
Tobias Dohle: Drums

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